27 Jun

Allergy season prevails all year. If the thought of allergy makes you want to sneeze, you should consider doing what you can in order to combat the allergens in your air at home. No matter what the season, clean air is extremely important for our lungs, blood circulation, heart, and other health systems. But it may be possible that the air present inside your home is dirtier than you think. 

Various pollutants- such as smoke from tobacco, burning wood, and cooking; gases from cleaning products and building materials; dust mites; mold; and pet dander- happen to contribute to a poor indoor environment that can have ill effects on the body. These hazardous conditions are compounded by the presence of wildfires such as the ones in California and the Midwest- as well as SARS-CoV-2 if someone at home is sick with COVID-19. Here’s what you should consider while shopping for a high-quality air purifier

  • Cost of replacement filters- Generally, you should be replacing filters (or cleaning the ones that can be vacuumed) every six to 12 months for pleated filters and every three months for the activated carbon filters. Most units have an indicator light that allows you to know when to change (or clean) the filter. The costs of the filters vary widely.

  • Certifications- There are some labels that you might want to look for on the packaging of the best living air purification system. The very first one is the Energy Star logo. Air purifiers are supposed to run around the clock in order to be effective, and you should also factor in the energy cost while you are shopping for a purifier. The purifiers that are certified with an energy star are 40 per cent more energy-efficient than the standard models.

  • Room size- If an air purifier has an AHAM Verifide seal, you may trust the unit to handle the suggested room size that is listed on the seal. Be careful of the manufacturer’s claims, though.

  • Noise- You can judge an air purifier not just by how well it performs but also by how well you are going to be able to live with it. Because these machines should always be running, ideally, they should also be quiet. You may also be able to find out how many decibels a model operates on its packaging or website listing before you buy it.


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